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Simulation-based Clinical and Hospital Learning for Accelerated Readiness

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The SCHOLAR Integrated Simulation

If you are concerned that your students or new graduate nurses are not meeting basic competencies in critical thinking, we have the answer. We can address the increasingly complicated task of helping new nurses become independent in managing multi-patient assignments. 


A Space Shuttle Simulation Connection

We have developed a new approach to nursing education and nurse competency training, the SCHOLAR simulation method. Adapting Space Shuttle integrated simulation techniques, we have created a holistic patient-centered hospital environment. SCHOLAR accelerates readiness for nursing practice either for new graduates or for senior level nursing students, and is designed to educate nurses to manage highly complex multi-patient scenarios in a continuous real world experience where anything can happen. 

Interprofessional Collaboration

Because our sim functions as a continuous 72-hour simulated hospital environment, it is also rich with opportunities for interprofessional collaboration. We provide an integrative experience. Our sims offer opportunities for providers and other members of the healthcare team to work together as care evolves over time, just as care occurs in the hospital environment.


Our simulation method is highly flexible and can be adapted to meet the needs of your organization for an integrated learning experience.  

The SCHOLAR Integrated Simulation


SCHOLAR provides these services to nursing programs and hospitals:

  • Consultation for design of integrated simulations.

  • Turnkey Integrated Simulation

  • Nurse Competency Training 

  • Faculty/Educator Development

  • See more >>

Scenes from one of our sims... Students were awesome!


From Faculty: 

"What a wonderful learning experience. Students have been raving about it..."

"This is brilliant!"

"I wish they [nursing faculty] would have done this when I was in school." (from RN volunteer in 72 hour sim).

"...incredible experience."

"I thought it [Faculty Simulation Workshop] was awesome and VERY informative to the faculty."

From Students:

“It [72-Hour Sim] was a great learning experience and I would recommend it to everyone!.”

"It felt like a real hospital."

"Very challenging and in the end, very rewarding."


"It is one of the best ways to prepare us to work as a nurse independently."

"It was real world."

"It was great to do all on your own, everything hands-on, and you learn to prioritize your patients by yourself without another nurse prioritizing for you."

"This [48-hour Integrated Sim] is wonderful! It increases critical thinking."

From Students (cont.):

"I feel confident that I can work on my own."

"One thing I thought was a really cool experience was being able to delegate because as a nursing student I never got to do that; we're always at the bottom of the totem pole, even with the techs... they would ask me to do stuff... [Today] I was able to delegate all my blood sugars because I just didn't have time."

"I would like to say thank you for that [simulation] experience because it has helped me grow beyond belief."

“I think the fact that it was set up to where we had so much responsibility and pressure put on us, we simply had to live up to the task and take charge. That is an experience that is nearly impossible to achieve in hospital clinical, because your preceptor is always close by. Also, the mistakes I made had a very real aspect to it, and made a big impact on me. I would HIGHLY recommend this for future S2 students."

Graduating Senior Nursing Student

Simulation works!... What wonderful evidence that they [students] can translate the experience to the real world." 

Faculty member response to new graduate testimonial

News and Events

Television coverage of one of our simulations.

This article, Simulating Nursing, written by Alexandra Becker about our simulation work while I was still at TWU was in the TMC Pulse Magazine (Texas Medical Center) Dec2017/Jan 2018.

ScholarSim Blog

Follow us on our blog.


For more information or price quote see our Contact US page. 

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